Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Fresh Glimpse of Jesus

For the past week I've been dealing with what seems like hives. It all starting with itchiness on my legs then appearing on my arms. Couple days later it showed up on the back of my neck making its way to the front and up my face. With the itches came little goose-bump-like protrusions inflating to bigger lumps. At times it would just be redness. By this time my face felt like sandpaper, course and sandpaper sounding when I touched it. After taking Benadryl and the itchiness dying down(though it would decide to come and go) there was still the existence of the lumps in said places.

Friday evening found me at a place where I thought I'd be able to attend a gathering. Little did I know the grander scheme God had in mind. Having talked a friend joining me, we set off for the unknown...rather expecting much less than I knew I was yearning.

The message was given. It was on healing. If Jesus healed, commanded his own disciples to do the same...are they(healings) no longer part of our age?

Our speaker asked if there were any who were sick and/or needed prayer. I raised my hand. I didn't need prayer but rather WANTED prayer! If you know me, I never turn down prayer. I stand in desperate need of it. Sometimes I feel like a little child, so excited when I hear that sweet word.

There were a number who prayed for me. Though one word of all the prayers stood out: sensitivity. That was it. The picture of hearing Jesus more than anyone or anything else was the deepest desire which stirred within. A strong passion for 'seeing' and hearing and experiencing Him was all that was important at that moment. That is all that I want. Should He not choose to take away these 'hives', I long to see and hear my precious Redeemer. To know the presence of Christ more than the air I breathe...that is sufficient.

Today, I've not seen total healing but that is okay. What is more precious to me is that Jesus showed up right when I needed Him. :) That is enough. Yes, He is enough. These verses came to mind during prayer: 

Even though the fig trees are all destroyed, and there is neither blossom left nor fruit, and though the olive crops all fail, and the fields lie barren; even if the flocks die in the fields and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will be happy in the God of my salvation. Habakkuk 3:17 & 18

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