Monday, February 13, 2012

Matt Hammitt - All of Me (Lyrics)

This song speaks volumes right now. I'm taking it more towards the Lord.

What is holding you back from a full life in Christ?
Does He really have all of you?
Does your life resonate what your lips utter?
Are there circumstances which may be causing a detour in your pursuit of Jesus?
Is He worth every falling tear?

I won't let sadness
Steal you from my arms
I won't let pain
Keep you from my heart
I'd trade the fear
Of all that I could lose
For every moment
I'll share with you

There are days in which I wish they would run smoothly. That life wasn't a constant fight. We could smell the roses more often than waiting on healing to take place in the heart. I know it’s such a foolish thought.
Another crossroad seems to be facing head-on. All that appears is a concrete wall. Hard. Cold. Gray. Lifeless. Without feeling. One of those intersections which a decision must be made better sooner than later.
Right now no energy is to be found. Strength fails. Knowledge says you know what to do. The flesh utters only groans and bemoanings. Haven’t we been here before?
It all seems to be growing like a mountain just yet. Equipped to Love by Norm Wakefield says, “You can’t love anyone you idolize.” It makes some sense to an extent. There are times I understand where he’s going with it about then I am scratching my head to make some sort of semblance of order. He also goes on to say, “Love can only  take place where a relatiohship is free from idolatry and a person recognizes God as the source of everything. The moment we look to someone to be the source of supplying our happiness or comfort, we put them in the place of God.  At that point, loving that person with the love of God becomes an impossibility.”
When it rains it might as well pour torrential rains, right?! Oklahoma is known for its RAINS. Down pours. Raining in sheets. Gully washers, you name it they sure have it.
There’s been a study going on from, Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard. This weeks’ lesson was taken from chapters 3 & 4. It is so humbling as the questions are ones I can’t answer.

To be continued...

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